Apply or Cancel
for Korean Q&A meetings

members of the Korean & English Language Exchange group 한영 외국어교류 그룹 
on Facebook to apply or cancel Korean Q&A meetings via Google Meetings


This is a temporary webpage created for members of the Korean & English Language Exchange group 한영 외국어교류 그룹 
on Facebook to apply or cancel Korean Q&A meetings via Google Meetings.

If you sign up for a meeting and don't show up, the penalty is that you won't be able to join the next one - be sure to fill out a cancellation.
(The sooner the better.)

Here's more on a misconception that some people have.
1. I will try to hold meetings every Saturday, preferably on Saturdays, 
but there will be times when I can't make it for personal reasons.

2. The form at the bottom is a one-time thing.  You must apply each time.
That is, if you sign up this week, it's valid for this week only. 
If you sign up this week and realize you won't be able to make it, 
you can fill out the form at the bottom again 
(There will be no penalty).

Apply or Cancel

Name 이름     :
Enter the name you currently use on Facebook.
E-Mail 이메일 :
Write your email address to receive the Google meeting link.
Subject 제목  :
Content 내용 :
You can enter anything for the subject.
You can write in your native language, including Korean and English so that I can prepare an answer if you want to ask a structured question. 
(If you write in your native language, I will have to use Google Translate to understand it, so I would appreciate it if you write in Korean or English if possible).